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Revolutionizing Pain Management with InterX®

Healthcare professionals are more than just providers; they are changemakers, driven by a passion to restore their patients’ quality of life. For those who refuse to settle for masking symptoms and who aim to provide true, lasting relief, InterX® offers a breakthrough solution in pain management.

Why Passionate Providers Choose InterX®

Healthcare providers dedicate their lives to healing, but traditional pain management often falls short—offering only temporary relief or relying on medications with unwanted side effects. InterX® empowers practitioners who want more for their patients. By leveraging advanced neuromodulation,

InterX® enables providers to address pain at its source, helping patients regain mobility, function, and confidence in their recovery.

Whether in physical therapy, rehabilitation, or sports medicine, InterX® aligns with your mission to deliver effective, drug-free, and long-lasting pain relief.

Treating upper back with InterX 5002

The Patented Uniqueness of InterX®

InterX® technology is protected by patents in the US, EU, and Australia, highlighting the unique features that set it apart. Key terms within these patents showcase our innovation:

"Neurostimulation": Targeted stimulation of nerves in the skin, sending signals to the brain, central nervous system, and peripheral nervous system to achieve local or systemic responses.

"Non-invasive" and "Transcutaneous": InterX® delivers electrical signals across the skin’s surface, ensuring a comfortable experience without puncturing or penetrating the skin. Unlike other devices that send current through the body—often causing discomfort—our approach allows for higher levels of stimulation with a gentle, tingling sensation.

"Self-directing": InterX® devices identify the optimal treatment areas through numerical feedback, stronger sensations, or the electrode “sticking” on areas of low impedance, ensuring precise and effective therapy.

"Multiple Devices and Accessories": The use of various devices and electrode accessories enhances the treatment experience, accelerating the healing process for better outcomes.

Science Behind InterX (1)

Designed for Your Practice

InterX® empowers healthcare providers with a simple 3-step process to deliver precise and effective pain relief.

First, Scan to identify areas of inflammation and low impedance, pinpointing the optimal treatment zones. Next, Target these areas with focused neurostimulation to promote healing and reduce pain. Finally, use Dynamic Treatment, combining stimulation with safe, guided movement to enhance results and restore mobility.

This straightforward process ensures tailored care for every patient, making it easier to achieve meaningful outcomes in acute pain management. Chronic pain requires additional protocols. 


As a healthcare professional, you need a higher level of proof than your patient. Here we discuss how InterX® is different, certifications, and clinical studies.

Medical Research

A number of InterX® clinical studies have been done in the U.S., Great Britain, Italy, Russia, and Australia. All measured pain reduction. Several also measured reduction in pain medication and length of hospitalization required.Shown below in detail are those studies which meet a higher level of research quality. Controlled, Randomized, 60 or more patients, Published.


Providers who can purchase InterX® Products using NPI number or state license #:

Medical Doctor (MD)
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
Nurse Practitioner (NP-C)
Physician's Asst. (PA)
Athletic Trainer (ATC)
Podiatrist (DPM)
Occupational Therapist
Physical Therapist
Massage Therapist (varies by state)
VA Hospital
Military Medical Center

Providers who can prescribe InterX® Products:

Medical Doctors (MD)
Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
Nurse Practitioner (NP-C)
Physician's Asst. (PA)
Podiatrist (DPM)
VA Hospital
Military Medical Center
nurse 2

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