Dallas CRPS Physical Therapy | Patient Testimonials – Jennifer’s Story

My journey began with a simple ligament injury in one foot which ended up progressing into unexplainable neuropathic pain in both feet. It was difficult to be on my feet for any length of time, walking or standing. It took two years to get a useful diagnosis after having gone to many orthopedic specialists, podiatrists, physical therapists, other types of doctors (rheumatologist, endocrinologist, etc.), and various alternative medicine practitioners (chiropractors, etc.). A neurologist finally gave me a tentative diagnosis of Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome. The disorder is typically known as being incurable and degenerative. The treatments that are recommended are not curative but only temporarily helpful if they are even helpful at all. I was unwilling to try the nerve drugs, opioids, nerve blocks, or other invasive procedures because I didn’t want to do anything that would or could cause other problems in my body just for possible temporary relief. So, I finally had a diagnosis but I didn’t know what to do about it or whether to have hope that it would ever get any better.

I was fortunate that the neurologist knew about the InterX Therapy Center and recommended I try it. I have now been using InterX therapy for over a year. It has been the only thing that has made a difference in my pain level. From the very first appointment, Janice gave me hope that healing is possible. Through my experience over the past year, I’ve seen that her hope was not a false hope. It has been backed up with visible and undeniable progress. I am still doing the therapy because my body has not completely healed yet. In my particular situation, my healing has been a slower process because of pre-existing digestive issues and having been through previous thyroid cancer and treatment. I am so glad that I committed to and stuck with this therapy because my pain level has slowly but surely been reduced over the past year. I have progressed from barely getting around due to intense pain in both feet to being able to be on my feet more with much less pain. My mood and outlook have been positively affected as well. Having hope that healing is possible is so important. Janice and Annette are forward thinking and innovative in their approach to health problems of all kinds. They are knowledgable about traditional Western medicine as well as the more holistic Eastern way of looking at the body. They are also very empathetic and sensitive to the particular problems of people who have been dealing with chronic pain.

I wish that everyone experiencing pain had access to the kind of therapy that Janice does, merging acupressure points with electrical stimulation. I feel blessed to have found InterX and will use it to maintain my good health long after my feet have completely healed.